Australian DJ Flume made his debut show in Malaysia last weekend, when he took to the stage at KL Live to perform more than just music for his fans.
From the moment the show started, he could be seen busily spray painting a sign as “Hi, This Is Flume” thumped from the speakers. When the singer revealed it to the crowd, it turned out to say “Halo, Saya Flume”. Since he was in Malaysia, it was only apt he translated the song’s name using the nation’s official language to greet his Malaysian fans.
When fellow Aussie artiste Vera Blue came on stage to perform “Never Be Like You”, the DJ busied himself once again at his art station, this time gardening. He was carefully putting plants into pots and tending to them as Vera, and the packed crowd of fans, sang the song.
Vera asking the fans to sing louder as Flume tended to his potted flowers. |
He started off with the potted plants, smashing them on the floor of the stage (which the crew had covered before the show begun), creating a colourful mess. Literally colourful as coloured powders spilled everywhere as the pots hit the floor.
Flowerpots weren’t the only “casualties” of the night, a couple of old printers faced the same fate. Not content with the smashing power of the baseball bat, the DJ upgraded to a sledgehammer. That did the job. Printer bits went flying all over but two crew members later came on stage to sweep away the accumulating debris, so Flume could continue his show without the danger of cutting his feet to ribbons.
Flume going all out Hulk. |
However, his most unexpected guest has got to be the group of Asian women dressed in white who were calmly doing tai-chi as his fiery beats accompanied their exercise. The juxtaposition would, of course, make people look twice if the elderly starts doing this in public parks but on stage, it gave off quite a calming aura to the heavy beats.
Keep calm and Flume on. |
Flume made full use of his state-of-the-art lighting to liven up the space, even casting a rainbow over the crowd as they cheered for him, danced along and sang out loud throughout the show.