If you have been eagerly awaiting the latest single from Yuna, good news, it’s out now on all platforms!
“When I wrote SWYA a while ago, I never imagined that I was going to release this song during quarantine,” she posted on Instagram. “I want to share my love to everyone, let’s stay positive, stay connected, stay inspired, stay supportive, stay motivated & most importantly stay safe- together- even though we’re apart.”
To make this even more memorable for her fans, she is asking everyone to send her a video of themselves if they want to be included in her upcoming music video for the song.
“Record a video of yourself holding Stay Where You Are and tag me please #yunastaywhereyouare so I can get you included in my little DIY music video project.
“I really hope you love the song, thank you for allowing me to do what I do and I shall continue making music for you (independently now!),” she added.
Below’s a sneak preview of how the music video will look like, done with a little help from her fellow celebs.
At the same time, she has also launched her new website yunamusic.com.
The link to her new song can be found on the website, which includes Yuna’s following description of it: “Stay Where You Are is a song I wrote about self-reflection and taking time for yourself. Sometimes we need time apart from the people we love, in order to face our demons and return as better versions of ourselves.
“This song hits harder right now because we are all isolated in our homes, some even away from their loved ones. Though we’re apart, it’s nice to remind each other to just ‘stay where you are’ and when this is all over, we’ll be with each other again. There’s a strong sense of togetherness in the song that I love. When you listen to it, you know that whatever you are going through, you are not alone.”
To celebrate the release of her new indie single, Yuna will be holding a special “Quarantine Freestylin’” session at 5pm today with lead singer of Danish rock band Mew, Jonas Bjerre. Tune in to watch her perform “Stay Where You Are” live!