After it successfully collected more than RM30 million at the box office, local animated film “Ejen Ali: The Movie” continues to make Malaysia proud on the international stage next as it has been selected for two film festivals, Cartoons On The Bay, Italy, ASEAN Film Week 2020, Vietnam.
Aside from that, the movie is also representing Malaysia at the ASEAN Film Week 2020 which will be held in three cities in Vietnam: Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh.
“It's an honour to kick off the second half of the year with Ejen Ali The Movie travelling on the international film festival circuit. While the world is moving into Covid-19 recovery, the news about our film’s festival participation is very much welcomed as we strive to keep telling great stories in the animation medium.
“We are honoured to represent Malaysia and look forward to the audience reaction in Italy and Vietnam,” said Usamah Zaid Yasin, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wau Animation, in a press statement.
Meanwhile, Datuk Ahmad Izham Omar, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Primeworks Studios Sdn Bhd, stated that this was a huge honour for Malaysia to have "Ejen Ali The Movie" be recognised on an international level.